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JHub App Launcher with Nebari

JHub App Launcher is a generalized server launcher for deploying web applications via JupyterHub. The App Launcher serves as the "home" page for Nebari - providing access to various Nebari services (e.g. JupyterLab, VS Code, conda-store) and access to deploy custom web apps.

JHub App Launcher home screen

You can use it to create and share apps using various frameworks such as:

  • Panel
  • Bokeh
  • Streamlit
  • Plotly Dash
  • Voila
  • Gradio
  • JupyterLab
  • Any generic Python command

Installation on Nebari

JHub App Launcher can be enabled on Nebari by adding the following in the nebari-config.yml:

enabled: true

JHub App Launcher is was integrated into Nebari in version 2023.12.1 and is not enabled by default.


Documentation on how to create apps is included in the JHub Apps documentation. Deployed apps on Nebari will utilize environments from conda-store. All apps will need to include jhsingle-native-proxy >= 0.8.2 in their environment along with other framework-specific dependencies. For example, deploying a panel app will require panel itself and additional tools for deploying panel apps such as bokeh-root-cmd >= 0.1.2. See the documentation for specific requirements on each framework.